Securing open-source package ecosystems by originating, validating, and augmenting build attestations.
Rebuilding is the semantic reproduction of a previously-built artifact through a comparable yet distinct process. Rebuilding is primarily a means of gaining confidence in the integrity of a build. However, it is a signal of integrity, not a guarantee: Rebuilding cannot solve all open source security issues but should instead be thought of as a (valuable!) tool in the security toolbox.
At a high level, a build encompasses the production of a software artifact using explicit and environmental inputs. Using SLSA’s terminology, these elements include the builder (even its OS, kernel, and physical infrastructure), build script, any external dependencies, and the source code. Collectively, these can be considered build factors, and we can view a build as the functional result of this input set.
When we attempt to rebuild a package, we are essentially trying to find a set of build factors that produces an identical artifact to the original. However, it’s important to note that some factors from the original build might not be essential for reproducing the artifact, while other factors might naturally change between the original and the rebuild (e.g., timestamps, URLs). This inherent variability in build factors is a key consideration when assessing the reliability and security of rebuilt artifacts.
A successful rebuild serves as a mild positive signal that a build was free from tampering, demonstrating both the reproducibility of the artifact and the accuracy of the rebuild definition. If any sources of compromise were present in the original package’s content, the same (or a meaningfully similar) compromise must also exist within the rebuild’s set of build factors.
Notably, a successful rebuild cannot necessarily rule out all sources of compromise, such as an attacker with control of the source repository itself. However, in cases like the xz attack, the backdoored source archive distributed downstream would not have been rebuilt successfully, as additional malicious content was introduced during the archive build process. This highlights the potential for rebuilds to detect malicious modifications and, in so doing, force attackers into more transparent avenues of attack.
An unsuccessful rebuild should be interpreted carefully and in context. Notably, there are many reasons why a rebuild might fail that are not indicative of an attack:
It’s important to recognize that not all failures are equal in severity, and many are unrelated to the package owner’s actions. Still, rebuild failures are actionable and can often be addressed in multiple ways. They should be treated more as potential opportunities to improve build reproducibility and transparency rather than unconditional indicators of maintainer malice or carelessness.